Friday, April 15, 2016

What is happening in the Empire???

Yesterday I was rushing to leave when I saw two women wearing long white overcoats (like that of doctors) carrying cartons.

They had their eyes downcast and looked like members of the vampire kingdom. No smile and no twinkle in their eye!
My imagination ran wild and I could see human offal in the cartons. Maybe thats what they do. There must be a secret morgue on the top. And these people must be dissecting cadavers.

Ah! then I realized. These poor creatures come from the place where there is no smoke and people. Our much coveted space of brain work that has not created even a safety pin. Such waste make the bird weep.
Demolish what you do not need!
The next question why are these creatures moving like undertaker's sidekick.

I must ask Goldfish.

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